UX/UI Case Study
Bootcamp Final Project
UX/UI Case Study
Bootcamp Final Project
Fertig is designed for freelancers, combining legal services with project management tools to streamline work and protect their rights. Features include customizable workflows, smart contract management with multilingual support, and simplified legal guidance.
With its user-friendly design, the app empowers freelancers to focus on their creative work confidently.
Design Process
Style Guide &
Fertig is designed for freelancers, combining legal services with project management tools to streamline work and protect their rights. Features include customizable workflows, smart contract management with multilingual support, and simplified legal guidance.
With its user-friendly design, the app empowers freelancers to focus on their creative work confidently.
Skills & Framework
UX/UI Design
Usability Testing
Design System
Responsive Design
Logo Design
Information Architecture
Style Guide &
Prototype & Test
Design Process
Desk Research Outcome
After completing our desk research, we identified a gap in accessible legal resources—there is no dedicated tool that helps individuals understand their rights, especially when signing important contracts. This issue is even more critical for those who cannot afford or access legal consultation.
Contract management tools are only made for legal professionals
Existed legal support tools don’t fit the needs for creative freelancer
AI is not reliable for legal support if you don’t know “how to prompt”
Interviews & Survey
During our primary research phase, we conducted interviews with four freelancers working in creative fields and two lawyers—one specializing in IP and copyright law for artists and the other advising freelancers. Additionally, our survey received responses from 16 participants, providing further insights into the challenges they face.
Interviews Quotes
"Contracts are essential, but I often struggle to fully
understand them. I wish there were simpler tools or guidance
to make the process more accessible."
"Navigating the legal side of freelancing
can be overwhelming, which is why I rely
on platforms like Upwork — they
provide the security and structure
I need to focus on my work."
"When disputes arise, the complexities of litigation discourage
me from pursuing solutions. I prefer tools that help avoid
such conflicts from the start."
User Persona
"I just want to focus on my art, not get bogged down in contracts, invoices, or chasing payments. I need tools that make managing clients and paperwork simple, secure, and efficient, so I can grow my business on my own terms."
Florian Sommer
Profession: Visual Designer
Age: 30
Location: Berlin, Germany
Experience: 3-5 years

He initially started working through Upwork but is now transitioning to working directly with his own clients and professional network..
He needs support in navigating bureaucracy and legal complexities when creating contracts.
How Might We?
Based on our ideation process and analysis of the data gathered during the research phase, we formulated our key How Might We (HMW) questions to guide the design process.
create a tool that helps freelancers to manage their projects and workflow?
help freelancers to understand their rights when they sign a contract?
avoid any litigation process or reduce risks which arised from the contracts?
protect freelancers from untrustworthy clients and secure their payments once the project is completed?
User Flow
We prioritized intuitive, user-centered navigation to ensure that users feel confident using a legal support app without being overwhelmed by complex legal concepts.
Style Guide & Branding
We aimed to keep the design as clean and simple as possible, drawing inspiration from the KISS principle ("Keep It Simple, Stupid"), a design strategy originally developed by the U.S. Navy.
Keep It Stupid Simple
Keep It Simple, Stupid
This approach emphasizes simplicity and efficiency,
ensuring the design is both intuitive and effective.
Ton of Voice
For our branding approach, we aimed for a balance between confidence and friendliness.
The brand tone is approachable and supportive, ensuring users feel welcomed while also conveying reliability and professionalism.
Being your own boss is empowering but juggling contracts can feel overwhelming.
“We’re here to make it easier.”
Design Strategies
Strengten Benefits
Guide Decision Making
Make it Hassle Free
Increase Effiency
Save Money
Mitigate Resistance
Build Partnerships
Offer Transparency
Safeguard Data Privacy
Comply with Regulations
UI Design
We chose a clear, readable font and focused on creating a smooth, user-friendly interface. To achieve this, we incorporated pastel colors into our style guide for a clean and calming aesthetic.
Brand 900
Brand 800
Brand 700
Primary color
Brand 600
Brand 500
Brand 400
Brand 300
Neutral 900
Primary color
Neutral 700
Secondary color
Neutral 800
Neutral 600
Violet 900
Yellow 50
Pink 600
Nunıto sans
Headline 1 Bold
Font-Size : 38px ・ Line-Height : 38px
Nunıto sans
Headline 2 Bold
Font-Size : 16px ・ Line-Height : 20px
Nunıto sans
Headline 3 S.Bold
Font-Size : 10px ・ Line-Height : 20px
nunıto sans
Subtitle S.Bold
Font-Size : 20px ・ Line-Height : 20px
Body 1 Regular
Font-Size : 18px ・ Line-Height : 18px
Body 2 Bold
Font-Size : 14px ・ Line-Height : 20px
Capture Regular
Font-Size : 12px ・ Line-Height : 12px
Since our design follows a simple and clean aesthetic, we wanted the logo to stand out and visually represent the product’s identity. By creating an eye-catching and distinctive logo, we aimed to establish a strong brand presence while maintaining consistency with the overall design language.
Contracts are simplified and visually structured using legal design principles, making them more accessible and easy to understand. Additionally, the auto-reply feature streamlines clause negotiations, allowing users to respond efficiently while retaining the flexibility to customize their replies.

Smart animations enhance the brand identity by creating a seamless, engaging, and dynamic user experience. They reinforce the brand’s personality while guiding users intuitively through the interface.
Our platform makes it easy to set up contract preferences, allowing users to automatically filter out agreements that include clauses beyond their scope of services. This ensures a smoother, more efficient contracting experience while reinforcing trust and control over professional agreements.



UX/UI Case Study
Bootcamp Final Project
Fertig is designed for freelancers, combining legal services with project management tools to streamline work and protect their rights. Features include customizable workflows, smart contract management with multilingual support, and simplified legal guidance.
With its user-friendly design, the app empowers freelancers to focus on their creative work confidently.
Design Process
Style Guide &
Prototype &

Desk Research Outcome
After completing our desk research, we identified a gap in accessible legal resources—there is no dedicated tool that helps individuals understand their rights, especially when signing important contracts. This issue is even more critical for those who cannot afford or access legal consultation.
Contract management tools are only
made for legal professionals
Existed legal support tools don’t fit
the needs for creative freelancer
AI is not reliable for legal support
if you don’t know “how to prompt”
Interviews & Survey
During our primary research phase, we conducted interviews with four freelancers working in creative fields and two lawyers—one specializing in IP and copyright law for artists and the other advising freelancers. Additionally, our survey received responses from 16 participants, providing further insights into the challenges they face.
Interviews Quotes
"Contracts are essential, but I often struggle to fully
understand them. I wish there were simpler tools or guidance
to make the process more accessible."
"Navigating the legal side of freelancing
can be overwhelming, which is why I rely
on platforms like Upwork — they
provide the security and structure
I need to focus on my work."
"When disputes arise, the complexities of litigation discourage
me from pursuing solutions. I prefer tools that help avoid
such conflicts from the start."
User Persona
"I just want to focus on my art, not get bogged down in contracts, invoices, or chasing payments. I need tools that make managing clients and paperwork simple, secure, and efficient, so I can grow my business on my own terms."
Florian Sommer
Profession: Visual Designer
Age: 30
Location: Berlin, Germany
Experience: 3-5 years

He initially started working through Upwork but is now transitioning to working directly with his own clients and professional network..
He needs support in navigating bureaucracy and legal complexities when creating contracts.
How Might We?
Based on our ideation process and analysis of the data gathered during the research phase, we formulated our key How Might We (HMW) questions to guide the design process.
create a tool that helps freelancers to manage their projects and workflow?
help freelancers to understand their rights when they sign a contract?
avoid any litigation process or reduce risks which arised from the contracts?
protect freelancers from untrustworthy clients and secure their payments once the project is completed?
User Flow
We prioritized intuitive, user-centered navigation to ensure that users feel confident using a legal support app without being overwhelmed by complex legal concepts.
Style Guide & Branding
We aimed to keep the design as clean and simple as possible, drawing inspiration from the KISS principle ("Keep It Simple, Stupid"), a design strategy originally developed by the U.S. Navy.
Keep It Stupid Simple
Keep It Simple, Stupid
This approach emphasizes simplicity and efficiency,
ensuring the design is both intuitive and effective.
Ton of Voice
For our branding approach, we aimed for a balance between confidence and friendliness.
The brand tone is approachable and supportive, ensuring users feel welcomed while also conveying reliability and professionalism.
Design Strategies
Strengten Benefits
Guide Decision Making
Make it Hassle Free
Increase Effiency
Save Money
Mitigate Resistance
Build Partnerships
Offer Transparency
Safeguard Data Privacy
Comply with Regulations
UI Design
We chose a clear, readable font and focused on creating a smooth, user-friendly interface. To achieve this, we incorporated pastel colors into our style guide for a clean and calming aesthetic.
Brand 900
Brand 800
Brand 700
Primary color
Brand 600
Brand 500
Brand 400
Brand 300
Neutral 900
Primary color
Neutral 700
Secondary color
Neutral 800
Neutral 600
Violet 900
Yellow 50
Pink 600
Nunıto sans
Headline 1 Bold
Nunıto sans
Headline 2 Bold
Nunıto sans
Headline 3 S.Bold
nunıto sans
Subtitle S.Bold
Body 1 Regular
Body 2 Bold
Capture Regular
Since our design follows a simple and clean aesthetic, we wanted the logo to stand out and visually represent the product’s identity. By creating an eye-catching and distinctive logo, we aimed to establish a strong brand presence while maintaining consistency with the overall design language.
Contracts are simplified and visually structured using legal design principles, making them more accessible and easy to understand. Additionally, the auto-reply feature streamlines clause negotiations, allowing users to respond efficiently while retaining the flexibility to customize their replies.

Smart animations enhance the brand identity by creating a seamless, engaging, and dynamic user experience. They reinforce the brand’s personality while guiding users intuitively through the interface.
Our platform makes it easy to set up contract preferences, allowing users to automatically filter out agreements that include clauses beyond their scope of services. This ensures a smoother, more efficient contracting experience while reinforcing trust and control over professional agreements.

Being your own boss is empowering
but juggling contracts can feel overwhelming.
“We’re here to make it easier.”
Contract management tools are only made for legal professionals
Existed legal support tools don’t fit the needs for creative freelancer
AI is not reliable for legal support if you don’t know “how to prompt”
After completing our desk research, we identified a gap in accessible legal resources—there is no dedicated tool that helps individuals understand their rights, especially when signing important contracts. This issue is even more critical for those who cannot afford or access legal consultation.
Desk Research Outcome
Interviews & Survey
Interviews Quotes
"Navigating the legal side of freelancing
can be overwhelming, which is why I rely
on platforms like Upwork — they
provide the security and structure
I need to focus on my work."
"Contracts are essential, but I often struggle to fully
understand them. I wish there were simpler tools or guidance
to make the process more accessible."
"When disputes arise, the complexities of litigation discourage
me from pursuing solutions. I prefer tools that help avoid
such conflicts from the start."
During our primary research phase, we conducted interviews with four freelancers working in creative fields and two lawyers—one specializing in IP and copyright law for artists and the other advising freelancers. Additionally, our survey received responses from 16 participants, providing further insights into the challenges they face.
User Persona
Florian Sommer
Profession: Visual Designer
Age: 30
Location: Berlin, Germany
Experience: 3-5 years
"I just want to focus on my art, not get bogged down in contracts, invoices, or chasing payments. I need tools that make managing clients and paperwork simple, secure, and efficient, so I can grow my business on my own terms."

He initially started working through Upwork but is now transitioning to working directly with his own clients and professional network..
He needs support in navigating bureaucracy and legal complexities when creating contracts.
How Might We?
Based on our ideation process and analysis of the data gathered during the research phase, we formulated our key How Might We (HMW) questions to guide the design process.
create a tool that helps freelancers to manage their projects and workflow?
help freelancers to understand their rights when they sign a contract?
avoid any litigation process or reduce risks which arised from the contracts?
protect freelancers from untrustworthy clients and secure their payments once the project is completed?
User Flow
We prioritized intuitive, user-centered navigation to ensure that users feel confident using a legal support app without being overwhelmed by complex legal concepts.
Scan a Contract
Upload a Contract
Choose a Contract
Create a Contract
Search Contract
Review Page
Review Page
Overview Page
Overview Page
We aimed to keep the design as clean and simple as possible, drawing inspiration from the KISS principle ("Keep It Simple, Stupid"), a design strategy originally developed by the U.S. Navy.
Keep It Stupid Simple
Keep It Simple, Stupid
This approach emphasizes simplicity and efficiency, ensuring the design is both intuitive and effective.
Ton of Voice
For our branding approach, we aimed for a balance between confidence and friendliness.
The brand tone is approachable and supportive, ensuring users feel welcomed while also conveying reliability and professionalism.
“We’re here to make it easier.”
Being your own boss is empowering but juggling contracts can feel overwhelming.
Style Guide & Branding
Mitigate Resistance
Build Partnerships
Offer Transparency
Safeguard Data Privacy
Comply with Regulations
Strengten Benefits
Guide Decision Making
Make it Hassle Free
Increase Effiency
Save Money
Design Strategies

How will Fertig help users?
UI Design
We chose a clear, readable font and focused on creating a smooth, user-friendly interface. To achieve this, we incorporated pastel colors into our style guide for a clean and calming aesthetic.
Brand 900
Brand 800
Brand 700
Primary color
Brand 600
Brand 500
Brand 400
Brand 300
Neutral 900
Primary color
Neutral 700
Secondary color
Neutral 800
Neutral 600
Violet 900
Yellow 50
Pink 600
Nunıto sans
Headline 1 Bold
Font-Size : 38px ・ Line-Height : 38px
Nunıto sans
Headline 2 Bold
Font-Size : 16px ・ Line-Height : 20px
Nunıto sans
Headline 3 S.Bold
Font-Size : 10px ・ Line-Height : 20px
nunıto sans
Subtitle S.Bold
Font-Size : 20px ・ Line-Height : 20px
Body 1 Regular
Font-Size : 18px ・ Line-Height : 18px
Body 2 Bold
Font-Size : 14px ・ Line-Height : 20px
Capture Regular
Font-Size : 12px ・ Line-Height : 12px
Since our design follows a simple and clean aesthetic, we wanted the logo to stand out and visually represent the product’s identity. By creating an eye-catching and distinctive logo, we aimed to establish a strong brand presence while maintaining consistency with the overall design language.
Our platform makes it easy to set up contract preferences, allowing users to automatically filter out agreements that include clauses beyond their scope of services. This ensures a smoother, more efficient contracting experience while reinforcing trust and control over professional agreements.

Smart animations enhance the brand identity by creating a seamless, engaging, and dynamic user experience. They reinforce the brand’s personality while guiding users intuitively through the interface.
Contracts are simplified and visually structured using legal design principles, making them more accessible and easy to understand. Additionally, the auto-reply feature streamlines clause negotiations, allowing users to respond efficiently while retaining the flexibility to customize their replies.

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See the Full Case Study on Behance
See the Full Case Study on Behance